Posts tagged 'sex toys'

Summer of Sex: Scorching Hot Toys You MUST Try, Part One
Amp up the heat with our top scorching hot sex toys! From powerful vibrators to discreet anal plugs, these luxury toys are perfect for sultry vacation adventures and unforgettable pleasure.

2021 Year in Sex Review
♫ Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you measure, measure a year? How about seeeeex? ♫

Provocative Presents: Tips for Successfully Gifting a Sex Toy
From the mental to the physical to the “huh, I never thought of that!”, there are quite a few variables that go into picking the perfect toy. Rather than slap a bow on some random dildo, you should consider the recipient and what matters most to them (and their naughty bits).

Guys Just Wanna Have Fun: The Sex Toy Guide for Men
If you’re ready to focus on furthering your pleasure and finding your nether region’s new BFF, then this guide has you covered.

Strange Love: Falling for the Gvibe3
Good things come in strange packages. At least that’s the case with the Gvibe3 vibrator.

Over 150 Years of Bliss: Vibrators Throughout History
From bees to Victorian-era steam machines mid-century electrical appliances, the history of the vibrator is a amazing tale full of intrigue and greatness. Here’s a sampling of just a few vibrators throughout history -- and how they comes a woman's best friend.

Erotic Luxury: How the Rich Get Their Rocks Off
Bust open your trust-funds or scratch off that winning million dollar lottery ticket. Here are some of the most expensive, luxurious, and downright ridiculously gauche sex toys that you (or, more accurately, someone with offshore bank account) can buy.

Pleased to Meet You: How to Introduce Sex Toys to Your Partner
You don't have to be like Scarface and whip out all the goodies at once. Instead, take your time, and wait until you've had a few sessions under your belt before bringing up the idea of using sex toys together.

Make Love Not War: A Brief History of the Magic Wand
Initially marketing for sore necks and backs, the Magic Wand was also being recognized for soothing other parts of the body as well. As early as the 1970's women quickly realized this hand-held device could be used off-label (ahem) for clitoral stimulation.

Product Profile: The Luxurious Fascinator Throw
No more lugging your comforter to a laundromat to wash it every week. Get a little messy with body paints? Just throw down your Liberator Fascinator Throw and you won’t have to fight over who has to sleep on the sticky spot. Hands get a little slippery during a massage? Craving some period sex? I think you get my point.

Uncomfortably Numb: Do Sex Toys Desensitize Your Clit?
I tend to think that it changes your expectations rather than sensations. A vibrator can feel more intense and work faster than your hand or mouth. After some time, you can grow to expect that level of sensation and that reaction from your body.