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Orgetiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of Attending an Orgy

Painting of an ancient greek orgy
Orgetiquette: The Do's and Don'ts of Attending an Orgy
There is no occasion when dignity and manners are required than at an orgy. A "cock & tail" party might seem like a free-for-all sexfest. But there are some basic rules needing to be followed. As a guest, abiding by the rules can ensure the party goes off with a bang—or rather, many bangs. So in order to get the most pleasure out of your experience, let's explore some of the basic Do's and Don'ts of attending an orgy. Or orgetiquette, if you will.

DON’T be late for an orgy.

There is nothing worse than being the throes of passion and hearing the doorbell. Don’t be that guest. Plus, tardiness will find all the best toys are taken.

DO come dressed to thrill.

The sex may be casual but the attire is not. For many, a dress code might be a trivial matter at a party where very little will be worn. So, dressing to impress can do no harm. Wear the of best lingerie or skivvies and appear well groomed.  There is only one chance for your privates to make a good first impression.

DON'T broadcast the fun.

There is a possibility you will see someone you know. Don't be too surprised if you notice your naked dentist, real estate agent, or your kid's middle school teacher moaning in ecstasy while taking it from behind. Just like you, they don't want to worry about being judged, exposed or tagged in tomorrow's Snapchat feed. Everyone has the right to let their hair down and get their freak on. For those who host and organize play parties, the motto is: what happens at the orgy, stays at an orgy. In fact, do the right thing. Leave your cell phone at home or in the car.

DON'T invite others.

Congrats! You found yourself fortunate enough to score an invite to a play party. Remember though this is not like going to a birthday party. One extra mouth (or hole) to feed can actually create a significant imbalance between attendees. Leave your curious roommate at home and ask the host if there will be room for the next time.

DO make your desires clear.

Orgy etiquette is no different than dating etiquette. They both boil down to clear communication and respect. Etiquette standards are based on common sense such as ask before you touch, and directness of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ if someone asks to play. Remember you're dealing with some horny people. It's quite possible that if you say ‘maybe’ to someone with a raging hard-on, they may take it as a ‘yes.’  Saying ‘not now’ gives everyone space to think about it. Besides, you can always say ‘yes’ later.

DO play it safe.

Unless you're the kind that just enjoys watching, orgies sometimes involve getting it on with more than one person. And that one measly condom you brought along will never suffice. It's bad manners not to bring your own. It's even worse if you don't bring enough. And ladies, you are not exempt from this rule either—don't rely on the gentlemen to supply his own rubbers. Think of how awkward it would be to interrupt someone else's good time because you have to borrow a few condoms. So head on down to Costco before hand and get the economy pack. Think of how impressed the checkout lady will be when you tell her what they are for!

DO show respect.

It's alright to politely decline uncomfortable advances, but please, don't use phrases like "eeww" and "not on your life" or "I don't do charity work."  If you find someone unattractive try your best to be open-minded. You just may yourself exploring something new.

DON’T make assumptions about yourself.

We all have daydreams of sauntering into the orgy with doves swooping around us in slow motion while our favorite soundtrack plays in the background. However, in real life, as you first step through the door, you will probably feel a bit out of place. A good rule of thumb is to politely ask if you can join in if you want to enjoy the pleasure of someone's company. If you want someone to make the move, you might not see any action—they are, after all, probably as nervous as you. People who appear more extroverted during a play party have a better chance of getting lucky. So don't feel bad if you're too nervous to make contact. Chalk it up to experience and try it again later.

DON'T expect to be the bell at the ball.

Being the center of attention is never a guarantee during an orgy. It does not matter if you have a 10-inch shlong or can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, you are probably not going to be liked by everyone. And that's okay. You can still enjoy a memorable time as long as you walk across the orgy threshold without any expectations. Not holding onto an outcome will help keep you relaxed. By the end of the evening, you will probably leave more happy and satisfied than disappointed and frustrated.

DO bring treats for all.

Liberator has a lot of furniture pieces and Shapes designed to set the mood for play. The Equus is great for three people. Two can straddle while the third lucky individual situates themselves in the middle. The Escape Play Mats also create a soft foundation for people to pile on without hurting their knees or wrists. For something kinkier, the Black Label Flip Stage opens up into a portable bondage bed. Strap someone in spread-eagle with plenty of room for people to gather around all sides. If you are into toys, try something with a remote that can be controlled by someone else in the room. Just remember to clean them when or if you switch partners!

DO: Show Your Appreciation.

Make a lasting impression long after the fun is done. Let your host know their time and efforts are appreciated. Writing a personal "thank-you" note (not via email) demonstrates that you valued their trust in inviting you in the first place. Plus, it demonstrates good etiquette which may result in another invitation. Most importantly, play party communities are small, tight-knit group of individuals who remember gratitude. Good after party manners are just as important as during and may result in getting invites to future social gatherings. In fact, we've got you covered. Download a thank you note here!


It's quite normal to feel a bit nervous and awkward during your first orgy. The whole getting naked and having sex in front of strangers is not for everyone. But following the host's ground rules can lead to exciting new prospects. If you have any additional remarks or tips, please leave them in the comments sections below.
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Would like to know of upscale orgys in the NY Tri State area.
black dragon
i would say be very clean. take a shower be for going. also play safe. any toys used should be thrown out after. buy new ones next time.