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Eye Candy: Sex Museums Around the World

Art gallery featuring a painting of a scantily-dressed cowgirl
Eye Candy: Sex Museums Around the World

Sex museums are popping up all over the world and are great cultural tourist attractions. From Russia to Italy to NYC to Miami, SEX—man and woman's favorite past time is on display. Whether you're looking for something explicit, entertaining or educational, or all of the above, the following sex museums each have an eclectic mix of pleasurable eye candy. Can't afford to travel? That's okay too. Don't let a little thing like not having a passport get in your way. Many of these sex museums have interactive websites that let you tour your own time.

Here are the Top Ten Sex Museums Around the World.

#10: The Musee Erotisme - Paris, France

parisThe French are known for romance and are by definition, sexy. That's why it makes perfect sense the City of Love has its own sex museum. The Musee Erotisme houses a vast collection of pre-20th-century art and sculptures. Thoughtfully curated, this seven-story museum takes visitors on a tour of sex throughout the centuries. Initially opened in early part of the 19th century, the government once shut down the museum until 1946.

#9: Machine Sex Museum - Prague, Czech Republic

The Sex Machines Museum is for those who have an interest in the mechanically engineered aspects of great sex. The world's first sex museum is devoted solely to more than 200 gadgets and located in the heart of Old Prague. Though space is small, it does house a number of historical contraptions dating all the way to the 16th century. There is an impressive collection of "creative" aids—think voyeuristic chamber pots and hand-cranked metal vibrators aimed at helping couples experience sexual pleasure.

#8: Mus-Eros - St. Petersburg Russia

st. petersburgThis museum made headlines in 2004 when it acquired a 12-inch human penis supposedly once attached to the "Mad Monk," Grigori Rasputin. However, those claims seem to be "Fake News". Nonetheless, this museum houses an impressive array of historical artifacts focusing primarily on the sex lives of former Russian Czars and leaders. There's a naughty chair, once owned by Catherine the Great, and a seesaw festooned with strategically placed dildos. For a culture so steeped in KGB secrecy, this Russian sex museum is not afraid of lifting the veil and showing off a little tongue-in-cheek humor.

#7:  Venustempel - Amsterdam, Netherlands


You'll know when you've arrived because of the irresistible penis photo op just outside this sex museum. Amsterdam, the city known for legal prostitution, is home to two sex-themed galleries. The Venustempel is the longest-running sex museums in the world. They have curious exhibits ranging from rubber fetish gear to an assortment of Victoria porn to a mannequin flashing his naughty bits.

 #6: Jeju Loveland - Jeju Island South Korea

jejuJeju Loveland is not your typical "look, but don't touch" sex museum. It's a virtual sex theme park encouraging visitor participation. This sex museum is a popular honeymoon destination. It has more than over 140 naked statues in various states of fuckery, and an erotic sculpture garden the size of Staten Island. The park was established for helping newlyweds lose, or at least loosen, inhibitions. Couples can feel their way around a vast penis and vagina sculpture garden or walk through the Museum of Sex and Health.

#5: Antique Vibrator Museum - San Francisco, California

Vibrators go a long way back, baby. Who knows, your "great-great-grandmother might have owned one," says Joani Blank, the curator of the Antique Vibrator Museum and founder of Good Vibrations.  If you're wanting a more historical vibe (no pun intended) to your museum experience, then this San Francisco-based sex museum and storefront won't disappoint. Blank has been collecting vibes for over 20 years and amassed quite a collection dating back to the late 1800s.

#4: Erotic Heritage Museum - Las Vegas, Nevada

There's no business like erotic show business! The biggest adult playground in the world is Las Vegas. So, it's rather fitting it would have one of the world's largest sex museums. The Erotic Heritage Museum has the props from the “Star Wars” porn parody, a Ron Jeremy fortune-telling machine, and an extensive chart on all the Game of Thrones sex acts. Not to be outdone by competitors, they've recently included a new exhibit that displays the sexual hypocrisy in politics, religion, and entertainment.

#3: The Secret Cabinet, Naples Italy

The citizens of Pompeii and Herculaneum believed penises provided protection, prosperity, and good luck, and incorporated them into everything from furniture to oil lamps. But then, it was all tucked away and hidden for centuries. That was until the Gabinetto Segreto opened to the public in 2000. The once hidden treasures of the past are now on full display. Women are now able to take in the sights too.

# 2: Museum of Sex, NYC

Ever since 2002, Museum of Sex in New York City has been putting a cheeky spin on sex-ed, sexual history, and erotic art. The MoS is the centerpiece of New York City and attracts thousands of visitors every year. In an immersive environment, the curators work diligently in presenting a wide variety of erotically charged material. The popular Splendor in the Grass featured an erotic campground inviting people to engage all of their senses. The Museum of Sex has a permanent collection with over 15,000 objects and artifacts. The gift shop is a great ending to an afternoon of sexual sights and inspiration.Sex Museums

Sex Museums [caption id="attachment_45220" align="aligncenter" width="333"]Sex Museums Images courtesy of the Museum of Sex, New York[/caption]

#1: World Erotic Art Museum, Miami Florida

weamGod Bless Naomi Wilzig! Her erotic emporium is something completely out of this world and unique. The World Erotic Art Museum, a.k.a. WEAM is one of a kind adventure. This Miami Beach fornication fortress has anything and everything related to sex—from a bed carved with the Kama Sutra to dildos in every shape and size to a few dominatrix Barbie dolls. Rooms and rooms are filled with action-packed art dating from antiquity to today. Simply a cornucopia of coitus, this is one museum you can't miss while in Miami.
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