Assume the Position: Explore the Liberator Whirl Sex Positioning Bolster
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The illustrations are nice, however several of these (Log Ride, Rolly Poley, The Lazy Sunday) show the old, longer Whirl which has been discontinued. This positions are either difficult or impossible with the new, shorter Whirl (previously the WhirlXT). So half of this "new guide" is useless for the product.
Hi Joe, I can see how these positions may not work depending on you and your partner. The Whirl's smaller size may not work for everyone, but they work great for me. The Wedge may be a better option if you are looking for more width. Please call our customer service at 866-542-7283 with any questions.
How exactly is the wedge going to help with any of the positions I listed? It's exactly the same length as the Whirl (24"), so it won't provide the full upper body support shown in "log ride" any more than the Whirl would, it's not wide enough for the angle and spread of the legs shown in "rolly poley", and it's not long enough to support both the lower leg and upper thigh simultaneously as shown in "the lazy sunday".
The bottom line is that these illustrations show a Whirl that is longer than the product currently offered. The existence of another unrelated product does not change that fact, and it could be considered false advertising.
Joe, I personally tried each of these positions and had no trouble. Every body is different, so some suggestions are not going to work for someone is is 5'1" in the same way for someone who is 6'4". We will continue to test these products, but in general we consider these positions as suggestions. These positions are not the only thing you can do with the Shapes, and we hope they inspire your creativity.