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Unusual Sexual Fetishes You've Probably Never Heard Of Before

Woman lying in plants with a python coiled on top of her
Unusual Sexual Fetishes You've Probably Never Heard Of Before

When it comes to sexual fetishes, what arouses one person may cause an instantaneous gag-reflex in another. It's simply a part of human nature. But when 'yucking someone's yum,' we open the door to judgment and shame. Not only on another's unusual sexual fetishes, but perhaps even our own. Whether it's anal sex or fucking a tree or licking a car's tailpipe or covering yourself with blue cheese, as long as it involves consenting adults, then why not express those deep down desires? Stoya, the famous porn actress, said it best in the video below. "Don't tell me I'm being bad or nasty just because you don't like something."

Here are a few unusual sexual fetishes you've probably never heard of. Whether or not you want to try them—well, that's completely up to you.

Bring in the Clowns

Coulrophilia is the sexual attraction to clowns. To many of us, clowns—with their wide grins and disturbing laughs—are terrifying. But to others, getting turned on by Pennywise and Ronald McDonald is not so strange. There are those who claim that it's all about acting silly and not taking sex too seriously. Clown sex can be spontaneous, making it a different kind of fun house.

Rinse and Repeat

It makes perfect sense now why the women in the Herbal Essence commercials are so orgasmic. One of the most usual sexual fetishes you can experience is Tripsolangnia. The simple joy of getting your hair shampooed is both exhilarating and exciting. Plus, it will leave you feeling fresh and clean afterward.

Lover at Large

The world is filled with endless new and unusual sexual fetishes. Macrophilia seems more like a scene from King Kong than something sparking sexual arousal. In general, most Giantess enthusiasts fantasize being eaten by a sexy giant goddess. But there are those who love the feeling of being smooshed and squished by the big ladies feet. They are the prey and are turned on by the act of dominance by a predator. For some people, this unusual fetish is quite delicious.

Deep Freeze

The majority of people like their sex hot & heavy. But when it comes to unusual sexual fetishes, Psychrophilicacs see Frosty the Snowman as their version of the Sexiest Person Alive. Eskimo jokes aside, it may seem strange that a frigid person would arouse anyone. But perhaps this unusual sexual fetish has more to do with textured goosepimpled flesh, erect nipples, and chilly fingers and glass dildos.

Slippery Conditions

When it comes to unusual sexual fetishes, we can probably thank Japan for this next one. Tentacle fetishes have a long-standing history in Japanese erotica where the male genitals couldn’t be shown. Therefore, tentacles were used as a substitute. Because of the phallic nature of tentacles, tentacle porn is just a mere click away with plenty of content showing people having sex with sea-worthy creatures. This popular fetish has even resulted in a multitude of tentacle-inspired sex toys.

Sound of Music

Test your "don't yuck someone else's yum" tonight with a game of Turtle. To start, huddle under the blankets with your partner and let one loose. The first one to stick their head out from under the covers is the Turtle—game over! But for Eprotocphiliacs, Turtle is more than just an olfactory fetish. Known as flatulence fetish, Eproctophilia is when someone becomes sexually aroused by either the smell or the sound of farts. Then, of course, there’s a level of BDSM, as some may play at being ‘forced’ to experience someone farting in their face.

A Wrinkle in Time

As unusual sexual fetishes go, this one comes with a yearly subscription to AARP magazine. Gerontophilia is a sexual attraction to the elderly. And more people than you would expect actually dabble in this fetish. To prove our point, Google ‘Aiden Shaw’ and you'll get a look at what we mean. Who wouldn't want a piece of that sexy silver fox? But for some, Gerontophilia isn’t just an attraction to the elderly but also things associated with old age—including wrinkles, a limping gait, and even false teeth.

Swallow. Don't spit.

We all know guys love to be deep throated, but Voraphiliacs take it to the next level. They derive pleasure from the thought of being swallowed whole and/or being digested. Slowly dissolving in the stomach acids of a giant alien creature? Best. Date. Ever.

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When it comes to unusual sexual fetishes, Nasolingus will probably make many of your stomachs churn. Not unlike oral sex on any other body part, Nasolingus can be very sensuous and symbolizes nurturing and closeness. You're basically licking or sucking on your lover's nose. However, there are those who can develop deep sexual arousal from taking it a bit further, consuming someone's mucus.  
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