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PT-141: How Magic Sex Peptides Amped Up My Libido

PT-141: How Magic Sex Peptides Amped Up My Libido
PT-141: How Magic Sex Peptides Amped Up My Libido

What does a 48-year-old woman think about sex? Careful. It’s a trick question, like on the SATs. The answer is absolutely NOTHING. I’m kind of kidding and kind of not. Sex isn’t immune from the perils of age. Once that damned egg assembly line slows down, many women lose their libido. Their genital tissues get more delicate and aren’t as easily aroused. There’s little to no biological imperative to think about sex, much to the chagrin of women and their lovers. While some people sadly consider sex a chore, the loss of that mental and physical connection with your partner is devastating. My lover and I can’t bear to feel disconnected. So, I went in search of my reading glasses and pesky missing libido. What I found just might help other low libido ladies…


My overactive libido has been a challenge throughout my life. I’d go through weeks and months where I was insatiable. I was also frequently single — lots of self-care kept me sane. So you can imagine my confusion and dismay when said libido slowed to a crawl. I’m not depressed. I’m not even in menopause. WTF?!? It wasn’t just a lack of arousal. I wasn’t thinking about sex as much. Sensations didn’t hit the same way. It took longer to get excited and wet. And forget about orgasms. When you’re young, no one tells you that it will get harder to come. They leave that out of Summer’s Eve commercials. Not feeling fresh? Erm, no. Not feeling anything. 

Men have enjoyed the benefits of Viagra and Cialis for years now. Those miracle drugs transformed the sexual landscape for men with erectile dysfunction and restored intimate relationships among couples. Sadly, though, they weren’t effective for female arousal. So, how could the ladies keep pace with the newly supercharged men? The O Shot entered the arena, but having experienced the shot myself, I imagine that most ladies don’t want something that invasive. Why can’t we have something easy like a nasal spray, lozenge, or an injection that doesn’t require a trip to the doctor? There must be a way to increase libido in women. 

A New Solution

BEHOLD! In 2019, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry released bremelanotide to the world (known initially as Vyleesi, the commercial name for the drug from Cosette Pharmaceuticals, or PT-141, the generic version). This synthetic peptide was being studied in the 1980s for use as a sunless tanning agent when the researcher unwittingly discovered that it gave him an eight-hour erection, nausea, and vomiting. They shelved it for tanning purposes but got curious about its potential as a sexual enhancement agent in the 2000s (I imagine mainly because Viagra and Cialis sales lit a fire under drug companies to find a female equivalent and make bank). 

Vyleesi was developed for premenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, but the generic version, PT-141, is recommended for both men and women suffering from low libido (not caused by mental, physical, or relationship issues). PT-141 doesn’t interact with most medications and has relatively mild side effects. It’s non-hormonal and won’t affect your moods or breast size. Plus, it starts working quickly and lasts for a long time. Men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction can use it, too. And it stays in your system for up to 72 hours! 

We discovered PT-141 because some older friends of ours recommended we try it. They had purchased the injectable version online and found that it worked like a charm for both of them. They gave us a couple of doses. PT-141 is available as a nasal spray or an injectable. We tried the latter. We haven’t tried the nasal spray version yet, though we have heard it works well, too. I’d like to try it since stabbing yourself with needles isn’t always convenient or desirable. 

PT-141, bremelanotide, Vyleesi, peptidesPT-141, bremelanotide, Vyleesi, peptides
PT-141, bremelanotide, Vyleesi, peptidesPT-141, bremelanotide, Vyleesi, peptides

Start Your Engines

Once we injected it subcutaneously, forty-five minutes passed before we started to feel tingly, more aroused, and experience greater blood flow to erogenous zones. I know that you’re dying to know what happened — we burst into flames! Not quite, but we did have incredible sex for an entire weekend. I initiated a lot, which never happens normally. I was grinding all over my man. Everything felt BETTER. PT-141 amplifies the blood flow to your genitals — and that makes sex feel so damn good! I was entirely in the mood and felt so much more connected to hubs. Best of all, it was easier to orgasm! That blew my mind since I struggle with achieving climax. 

My beau really enjoys the peptide because it gives him super hard erections for days even without any Viagra or Cialis. It makes him relentlessly horny. His stamina goes through the roof. What really sets PT-141 apart is that the increased sensations and interest continue for two to three days! We found that it peaks around the 12-hour mark but lasts to some degree for about 3 days. So you can fuck all weekend long!

Peptide Insights

Before you proceed—here’s some useful info. I’m NOT a doctor. I’m relaying my experience and knowledge. Talk to your physician and research the peptide before you start taking it. Do NOT take this peptide if you have high blood pressure or any known cardiovascular disease. Dosages can vary based on your weight and how you respond to the peptide. Follow your doctor's guidelines. Men can combine the peptide with Viagra and Cialis for added oomph. 

You can do PT-141 a maximum of eight times a month but never take two doses in 24 hours. It might make you very nauseous initially for hours. Some people don’t experience this, but we both did. I got Nauzene tablets to chew, which helped a bit. You can drink after taking PT-141, but I would not take it if you are hungover, have an upset stomach, or are on the road traveling. The accompanying nausea can intensify. 

I’d recommend setting aside several days for your partner when you take it. My man tends to get rock-hard erections spontaneously for several days. It could be inconvenient or embarrassing if you’re attending events or hanging out with people. Plus, it’s so much fun to spend the weekend fucking each other. For ladies, you might find yourself thinking more often about sex. When sex feels that good, you want more. Supposedly, the magic sex peptide also helps your hair, skin, and nails. PT-141 makes you horny and more attractive?!?! Sign me up!


Have you tried these amazing peptides? Let me know your thoughts about them. Check out the links below if you’d like to learn more. 

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