So you want to be seen, huh? Or maybe you’re more into the idea of being seen. Either way, it sounds like you’re ready to dip your toes into exhibitionism. Whether you truly want to get caught displaying your naked bod or just want the high from risking it, there’s one group of individuals that neither party will want to get caught by. Yep, you guessed it- the cops. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to explore your exhibitionist kink *without winding up in the slammer. All you gotta do is be a little sneaky and get creative!
*Research your state’s nudity and lewd-ity laws before you start playing. Though my advice is **always sound, I’m only a sex blogger, not a sex lawyer.
**Generally, not always.
Keep the Fun Hidden
The thrill of exhibitionism typically has more to do with being sexual in taboo spaces and feeling exposed than it does with nudity in and of itself, so you don’t necessarily have to go streaking or reveal anything at all to get your rocks off. Wearable toys like anal plugs, panty vibes, and cock rings allow you to get freaky in public without arousing suspicion (as long as you’re good about stifling moans and hiding your O-face).
For wearable toys of the vibrating or shocking variety, handing over the remote to a play partner can make the experience even more erotic. Not knowing when (or how intense) your stimulation will arrive will have you eagerly anticipating each buzz, and giving your S.O. literal control over your pleasure adds an element of power play (and interactivity) into the already kinky mix.
A crowded, noisy club is the best place to play if you wanna mitigate your chances of being found out. A hectic environment means you’ll blend in, and the loud music will cover up your toy’s sounds, as well as any sensual whimpers that may slip past your lips. Better yet, you can even get off to the bass bumping and partygoers chatting if you choose a sound-reactive panty vibrator!
Explore the Great Outdoors
There’s nothing quite as serene as communing with Mother Nature; fresh air, flora and fauna, the sun’s warm rays kissing your cheeks—doesn’t the beauty of it all just make you want to orgasm up against an oak tree? Look up what hiking trails are in your area, play hooky from work so you can go during an off-time when you’re less likely to get caught doing the dirty, and venture off the beaten path before beating off. Elastic waistbands that dominate activewear lend themselves well to outdoor fun as you can quickly pull them back up when the rustling of leaves alerts you of potential passerbys. Just make sure your hiking trail isn’t a strenuous one- you’ll have to make the trip back on post-orgasm wobbly legs.
Be a Hoe at Home
Your private property doesn’t have to feel private if you don’t want it to. If you live in a high-rise, windows are fab for low-risk exhibitionist play. Even if you do get spotted, what’s gonna happen? Are they gonna count the floors from the exterior of your building and research what apartment number is yours? I rest my case. Next time you’re feeling randy, do it up against your window and look down at all the clueless pedestrians while you’re banging. As a bonus, the window’s glass will provide an arousing chill when pressed up against your nipples.
For horny housewives and househusbands—or housemates, w/e. If you live in a house, this section is for you—then the limits of your at-home exhibitionist play will depend on your space (and its design). If you have a screened-in patio, for instance, you’re pretty much golden. Take a trip to your patio during the wee hours of the morning when your good ol’ suburban neighbors are fast asleep, and bang it out!
If your backyard has high fences, you can make sunny days feel even brighter with some saucy sunbathing. When the weather gets heated, swimsuit up and bring two beach towels to your backyard for some fun in the sun. Play around with your partner by slipping your fingers beneath their bathing suit while giving them a rubdown. Quickly withdraw your wandering hands and place them somewhere innocent if you hear a nosy neighbor coming outside, and it’ll seem like you were just doing some standard suntan lotion rubbing instead of rubbing one out!
Make Use of the World Wide Web
The internet is probably 90% porn at this point, but there’s always room for more. Many XXX sites allow you to upload your own pictures and videos, so get to snapping, shooting, and posting! From live-camming a rowdy romp to filming and posting a solo sesh from the neck down to sharing a scantily clad but not fully nude pic on the web, there are various levels of exposure, dynamics, and performance to experiment with and tailor to your comfort level. When the deed is done (or during, if you’re going live), reading all the raunchy comments viewers post about your body will get you riled up again and inspire you to make more content, creating a horny cycle that benefits both you and your online fans.
Pro tip: If you’re nervous about how your online escapades will be perceived by those you know, just take precautions in concealing your identity beforehand. Keeping your face out-of-shot and any tattoos, piercings, or other distinguishing factors covered by makeup or accessories provides plausible deniability. If you want to, or would have difficulty avoiding your face from being in frame (like in certain partnered positions), simply don a mask that hides your features! It’s highly unlikely you’ll be recognized; however, it’s not impossible. But isn’t that part of the fun?
Find a Nudie Community
For every yin, there is a yang- a perfect counterpart to a notion that creates magic when the two intertwine. If exhibitionism is yin, then voyeurism is yang, and it’d be a damn shame not to get those two together! Adult-only spaces for the kink-inclined are the perfect environment for showing off your naughty bits to those who want to see them and for doing some peeping of your own! BDSM clubs are no stranger to lewd behavior, so you’re free to get butt-naked in front of a bunch of strangers sans-worry. If the idea of a dungeon is too intense for you, nudist resorts and nude beaches offer a more relaxed environment for letting it all hang out. Plus, you’ll return from summer vacay with a glowing all-over tan you’ll be eager to show off with or without your clothes on.
How much you take off, where you do it, and what time you do so all play a role in your chances of having your naughty escapades discovered. How brazen you decide to be in your naked adventures can impact your enjoyment but will definitely impact your risk level. My advice?—which we’ve already established is always/sometimes sound—start slow, see how you feel, and move into the wilder stuff once you’re an exhibitionism expert!